Monday 24 March 2014

Lazy, Tired, Uncommitted or All the Above

I am lazy.  Well seeing as I haven't posted in days - this one may be entirely true.  Though possibly it's just my dialog.  I am not committed may be a better statement.  It is so much easier to stay in old habits.  Mostly I am finding it difficult to just stick with anything.  My mind is scattered and it's much easier to just not think.  I have these grand ideas about life but I never seem to be able to follow through with them. 
What could I do to change this?  Hmmm...  maybe instead of trying to change everything I should just pick one thing and totally commit to it and see what would happen.  Could I pick something really important to me and see what would happen after 40 days?  Ok I have to actually think about this ... see what I mean... and decide what it is I want to commit to.

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