Friday 4 March 2016

Fear - No More !!

 Her name is Harmonia - goddess of harmony and concord.  And I resonated with her picture.  The heart swelling and the need to flow to her throat and speak some love. I want this.  Where is this all stemming from?  Well....
 I read an article today that no longer stirred my anger but fired up my amazement at the disconnect we face on this planet.  I won't go in to it but the gist is that there are things in one belief system that strikes fear in another and this seems to go back and forth.  I am not here to debate theology or religion or non religion I am here simply to comment on my complete and utter amazement of the disconnect in humanity.  We have this ever compelling need to be right - whether it stems from a belief system we hold or an ego we can't let go of - it is there.  There is this desire to bring others to our side, whether because we believe it is for their own good, the good of their soul, or just because we know we must be right .  My mind and spirit are overwhelmed today at how this prevails throughout humanity and history.  Whether we have ever "changed sides", seen the light, extinguished the light, mocked the belief, grown bitter, found enlightenment, become disillusioned by all, or just wallow in complete confusion there is this phenomenal, underlying theme of fear and chaotic scrambling to find our place and be right.

In fact I know just by writing this there will be people in my sphere that will be shocked I am contemplating not standing my ground for something I must believe in.  They may be even more shocked to know that I have moved to a realm of 'believing' things I hold dear and letting go of those that no longer serve me - or they will be fearful for the path I am taking.  And this is what I am talking about - I even understand it because I've been there, but what I'm trying to communicate is that fear has never gotten us far.  I am shocked, amazed, dismayed, almost dizzy from the plethora of posts that don't strive to enhance humanity but really just continue to draw it to the 'dark side' so to speak. (sorry couldn't resist)
Why this need to be right, why this need to protest everything, why this need to be snide, why this need to mock and harass and belittle?   What purpose does it serve?  We talk about bullying constantly - and I mean constantly - there isn't a day I don't see a post about death or hurt by a bully and how we must stop it.  Really - do we want it to stop? Because honestly I don't see it - if we bully each other daily on social media - mostly because it's safe and we think innocuous (not not not) - what kind of example are we setting for our children and future generations? Oh don't get me wrong I really don't have the answer - I'm just flabbergasted by the phenomenal amount of fear mongering and bullying because of it that goes around.

What if just for once we didn't react?  And I mean it - no reaction - just action.  The only thing we should be disagreeing about is the spreading of fear.  Are you a conduit or stop gate for fear?  Do you tell your children to be nice and then rant about something on facebook and post your own fear based articles?  Are you striving to force your agenda?  I don't care if it's from what you believe is right, strong belief, your sense of morality or really just plain fear - please stop it.

I'm not fearful for humanity or I would just be posting the same article - I'm just stunned. I'm stunned at myself for continuing this circle of insanity - I have at least another 4 - 6 decades left and I choose to live it differently.  I don't want to live in a world based on fear, I want to live in a world based on love and my fellow mans goodness and beauty and light.  Oh I'm not naive enough to thing there is only sunshine and roses but I am just naive or hopeful enough to believe things can be shifted.

I challenge you - do it for a week, a day, heck 5 minutes, just do it - don't react - act.  Act without fear !! - which in essence then must be based in love.  If you don't like an article, post one not reacting in fear post one that emphasizes your love and passion for the opposite.  I know it may not be this simple but if we don't strive to make a difference by changing the way we do things nothing will change.  We have reached a level of insanity where we don't even see this underlying theme of world fear.

Let's make a small list of what my children already know to fear just from our loving society:
1. That no matter what belief system they pick someone else will have an argument of fear
2. If they are too fat they will not be accepted - fear
3. If their skin is not clear - not accepted - fear
4. They will not live long anyway - the world is falling apart - fear
5. No matter who they vote for it is wrong, moral, sinful , stupid - fear
6.No matter what career they choose it is either not productive, helpful, money generating, humanitarian, etc. etc. enough - fear
7. If they are too skinny, or in my sons growing up life , not ripped enough, they don't measure up - fear
8. If they read the wrong books they are either stupid, ignorant, atheist, religious, sinful, or immature - so many labels - fear.


And if I am completely, brutally honest, I have contributed largely to this fear.  WOW!!  I don't want to live that kind of life.  I don't want my kids to grow up in the world of have to, must, shouldn't, or else.  I want them to grow up in the world of what if, why not, let's try it, you do it that way - amazing!!!

So call me naive, rant about what will happen to me, mock the silliness or unspirituality or spirituality of it all - but then look, really look at where that is coming from and if there is not an underlying basis of fear somewhere - because if we don't stop feeding our fear it won't, it can't, stop growing!!

So hold me to it, join me, start a revolution and quit reacting out of fear - future humanity will thank you for it.

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