Monday 1 August 2016

Miss Jean Louis - A Little Bio Info (aka Miss Jean's Socks)

We all love her. We all hate her.  How can someone so amazingly cool and awesome be so elusive? What do we know about this master of evasiveness? How has she managed to infuse all our minds with the iimagination of what she'll do next and who she really is?  What kind of super amazing skills and magical mastery can someone hold to be able to take the world of the web by storm and infiltrate the entire nation of Gishwhers with questions of awe and complete baffledness?

Miss Jean Louis - you are our hero, not only because you babysit Misha , which we hear is a mind boggling, otherworldly feat in itself, but because you exude mysteriousness.
But what we find most amazing about Miss Jean Louis - her socks.  Have you ever met anyone who inspires you quite so much to step out of societal boundaries and just go insane.

(my mind is hurting from the possible sock dance that may be going on under those slacks!!)

 Because yes dear readers, it is true, Miss Jean Louis under those sexy pants of awesomeness, wears one sock at her ankle and one pulled up her calf.  I'll just let you sit with that for awhile.  I know, right, WHAT!!!  I can hear you all gasp with shock and amazement.  Who would be so bold to do such a thing? When you look at her poised, sitting elegantly watching over Misha you could never know the pure rebellious action going on right under her pant legs.  How does she do it you ask?  We can't even begin to put words in her mouth as this blogger has never been blessed with the rare opportunity of meeting this magician.  But anyone that daring instantly goes on my bucket list of MUST MEETs!! Because I bet the socks don't even match, heck they're probably not even made of the same fabric!!! Can you even fathom the awesome, revolutionary Socker this woman (if she even is a woman, we are starting to think maybe superhero from another planet!!!) really is.

Miss Jean Louis. wherever, and whoever you are I hold you in awesomeness. The plethora of fantastic words to describe your mysterious magnificence is too long to list. SOCK ON!!

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