This or This?
So one of my dearest friends in the world, Lil, and I have been discussing the title above. Basically the gist of the conversation is there are different people in the world; different types of training; two schools of thought that talk about making big shifts in your life. For some the belief is that you just need to make a few little adjustments and if you stay the course then amazing things will happen. The analogy being if you have a huge ship and make a tiny rudder adjustment it will take you to a completely different place on the map. And the other school of thought is that for some of us it takes a big huge leap - a quantum leap. Kind of like that baby bird in the nest that feels safe but has to take the leap in order to fly. Safety was nice - but flight - flight is even better.
Lil and I were asking this question. What kind of people are we? Or more importantly which parts of our lives need adjustments and which parts need leaps? And even more importantly - what would this look like?
So you are joining us in the middle of this on going discussion and I thought I would bring you in to it to either share your opinion or if nothing else to get you to start thinking about it. What would your life look if you adjusted or jumped?
I'm guessing you need more clarification. What exactly are we adjusting or leaping in to? Why are we even having this conversation? Haven't you felt it? That stirring way down in your gut, at the back of your kidneys somewhere calling to you - saying is this it - no baby there has to be more. You know that feeling when you eat a really tasty but really unhealthy meal and it feels good for a moment but not long term and your body starts screaming ...what the this let our stupid brain pick the fast food and I really wanted a spinach salad and a smoothie - get with the program!! Ok bad example but hopefully you get. Your life isn't necessarily pissy, or maybe it is, but you want, nope you need some kind of shift - the restlessness is getting old.
What does this look like? Well there's the question right? I guess the answer to that - frustrating as it may be - is - what do you want it to look like? And let me clarify right now - you don't have to shift or do anything and if you've only read this far because you are related to me and being nice - then stop - but if you feel the little tug right now then I think we are on the same page and you know what I'm talking about. Or at least you are intrigued enough to join the discussion.
So what does it look like for you? What do you want to change in your life? What does the shift look like?
Is your rudder adjustment talking to the cashier and smiling? Is it speaking up to your boss? Is it telling your husband/wife you need to do some counselling? Is it buying that pet you always wanted? Is it booking that trip you were too scared to go on? Is it reading that book you thought was not allowed? Is it taking a course you never thought about? Is it writing the book you never thought you could - or at the very least making the effort to start? (this could be an adjustment and a leap!!)
And your quantum leap - and let's clarify here - I know I said some people are rudder adjusters and some need to be leapers - but I have a sneaky suspicion that if you want a big shift, once in awhile you are going to have to leap out of the nest! Yes you - your quantum leap - what does that look like?
Ok so I can't climb in your brain - so your leap has possibly never been spoken, you may have to look way down deep - yep keep going - there it is at the tip of your big toe. Yes that one - no don't look the other way - grab a pen and at least write it down because your big toe has some big dreams baby!
Just some potential examples:
Sell the house and move to Tibet.
Move to Hollywood and learn how to direct movies.
Quit your job.
Leave your spouse.
Get a spouse.
Learn to fly - literally - like in a plane.
Buy a piece of land and start a new community.
Talk to every single person you meet about your dreams and then act on them.
Buy that business.
Start that company.
Paint that picture and show everyone.
Become a chef.
Quit doing stay at home mom/dad things and get a career.
Quit your career and be a stay at home mom/dad.
Write the screenplay.
Swim naked in the lake.
And to some of you these will be simple and to some - what the heck - and to others hell no.
But what if ? You can do it - Lil and I are doing it - we are writing down our leaps and our rudder adjustments and then the key is to do it - do SOMETHING. You are now in our tribe if you want to be - let's help each other.
So we need vulnerability to start - yes I said be vulnerable for- go read Brene Brown if you haven't and you'll know what I mean. And absolutely one hundred percent I insist - I'm not kidding - google it write now and buy it either in hard copy or audio or download - don't borrow it - own it - Martha Beck's - Finding Your Way in a Wild New World it now....I'll wait................................................................................................
Ok if you did it - good job - if not - you'll dream about it until you do. And once you've read it let's have a discussion because so far only Lil and I have read it in my sphere of influence but I want you all to consciously join the Team too. Enough said - I think you can realise I like the book.
Anyways I digressed there - I'm trying to leap and adjust and its hard - when you have kids and family and responsibilities - it's damn hard. So I'm writing my book - yep that's my vulnerability because if I tell you then I have to do it - Prologue and chapter 1 written. I leaped in to school at 41 and I'm half way through. But now I want to leap in to running a retreat and then possibly into something even bigger that that - I'll keep you posted!
I want to dance down the street always - I want to hug everyone I meet and say - are you waking up - do you see it - do you see how amazing you are - how much more you have to give - how freakin awesome life is? Not there yet - I think I'm still bound by my inhibitions - but one day if a crazy 40 something, chubby, cute (ooo I hated writing that) mama gives you a hug and shouts Wake up sweetie - you can shout back - Hi Toni!!!
SO are you willing to adjust and leap and at least talk about it - because holy moly baby its time to change the world!!!!